From PCOS and irregular periods to a solution that works!
This describes a Mira customer’s personal experience and/or was sourced from a review or interview. Mira cannot guarantee the same results for everyone. Results will depend on each individual’s health conditions. Mira is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. Please consult with your doctor.

“My partner and I always knew we wanted to be parents. Like a lot of people, we had dreamed about it for years and were excited to start trying when the time was right. What we didn’t anticipate was a health diagnosis for me that could change our fertility plans that led me on a journey to discover more about my body and ultimately start our fertility journey. Read on to learn more about how I was diagnosed with PCOS while trying to conceive, and how I used Mira to help me get pregnant.”
The time to try
“My partner and I have been together for nearly 12 years but only married for 2. We wanted to wait until we were married before we started trying, but always knew we wanted to be parents. We were eager to start trying once we got married, but my body had other plans.”
Getting to know my cycle
“Like a lot of women, I turned to OPK sticks to try and track my ovulation and figure out my fertile window so we could make the best use of our time. Though using the OPK sticks, I realized I wasn’t ovulating every month and had a very irregular period. Some months my cycle would be 25 days, while others would be as long as 45 days. Sometimes I didn’t even get a period and my cycle was missed altogether. I could neither plan nor predict ovulation and getting pregnant was becoming harder and harder.
Given my cycle issues and lack of ovulation, or at least being able to pinpoint ovulation, I knew it was time to see my doctor. I was diagnosed with PCOS and even though it wasn’t good news, it was a relief because I finally had answers for why my cycle was all over the place.
I spent the next 6 months making a lot of lifestyle changes to help manage my PCOS. I did 6 months of Metformin, a drug often prescribed to those with PCOS to help restore ovulation and help with the body’s response to insulin. I lost 25 pounds during this time and my cycles started to regulate, but not completely. I still struggled to pinpoint my fertile window and knew this was the key to trying to conceive.
When it came to pinpointing ovulation and my fertile window, I found OPKs misleading. With my cycle, I was having an LH spike but no PdG spike in the luteal phase to confirm ovulation. After 6 months of Metformin, I started Letrozole, a drug used to trigger ovulation.”
Finding Mira
“I knew that I wanted to learn more about my cycle but wanted to do it without the complication of having to spend money for numerous tests or bother my doctor. Instagram ads got to me and I was excited to find a solution that could not only track my cycle, but give me insights onto my fertile window even with the complications of PCOS. I expected Mira to help, but was amazed at how much it really did.”
Tracking and testing with Mira
“With all of the changes I had made and my weight loss, my cycles were starting to regulate but they were still not completely regular. I bought Mira to have more precise measurements and pinpoint my fertile window. I started testing my hormones (LH, E3G, and PdG) and within the first month, I realized that my ovulation was happening way before my previous trackers were predicting.

I was missing my fertile window because these trackers weren’t accurately predicting my ovulation. By the second month of using Mira, and with the help of Letrozole, I conceived for the first time!”
Be your own advocate
“It can be really hard to face fertility struggles or even advocate for yourself with doctors. I really credit Mira with helping me have more informed conversations with my doctor and aiding me in finding a solution that worked.
There are so many options out there right now to help you along on your fertility journey but it can be hard to know which to choose. I was really bummed when we couldn’t conceive naturally and it took some time to process those feelings. But when I heard about all the choices out there, I decided not to give up hope until we had exhausted every last one.”
Success with Mira
“Using Mira has been a big success for us. Not only has it given me the courage to advocate for my health and figure out my own struggles with my cycle and PCOS, but it’s also been a huge source of support. Mira has a community of others on social media that are all on the same journey with you. They are right there with you for the highs and the lows and a collective wealth of information on your fertility journey. I utilized the community to find coping mechanisms, support, and even answers to questions I was too scared to ask my doctor!
After using Mira, I feel so much more informed about what’s going on in my body and how to nourish it and help it with my issues. Mira really helped me feel empowered to talk to doctors or other medical professionals. I was no longer flying blind and had the information at my fingertips, and could even share it with my doctors. I truly believe Mira not only helped my health but helped us successfully conceive.”