The accuracy of the fertility lab is now in the palm of your hands

You deserve to feel in control of your data. Understand your hormone results for confident decision-making now and in the future.

Why I started

The story behind Mira

As a young scientist, I was surrounded by very determined women, much like myself. Most of us were focused on our careers, so we decided to start our families later in life. But once we got to this stage, we were met with stigma and lack of information about our bodies—creating a lot of anxiety.

Sooner rather than later, I noticed a big gap between trying to conceive tools available on the market and the real needs of people trying to reach our parenting goals. With 80% of people with hormone imbalances and up to 30% of couples diagnosed with unexplained infertility—it just didn’t add up.

Through scientific research and speaking to my friends about their experiences, I quickly discovered OPKs weren’t helping either, especially if someone had to go through IVF/IUI. These methods only add guesswork and uncertainty—even though they promised otherwise.

I created Mira because people's fertility journeys deserve accuracy and peace of mind. Mira offers lab-grade precision, is non-invasive, personalizes your results, and helps you save tons on out-of-pocket costs for fertility treatments.

“We deserve to make confident decisions with personalized & accurate results. Just like I did, when I used Mira to conceive after 35”

Sylvia M. Kang. CEO at Mira

Changing the narrative around reproductive health

There has always been a lack of research on reproductive health—which means no data and no personalization. We believe it doesn’t have to be this way.

At Mira, we’re slowly changing how patients and professionals perceive reproductive health by allowing people to feel ownership over their health.

Owning your data means confident decisions

Our body, your rules—right? Right. But, patients often feel drowned in anxiety about their health due to a lack of education or misinformation.

Mira translates your hormone data into personalized numbers, so decision-making won’t feel like taking steps in the dark.

Replace guesswork for clarity, accuracy, and control.

Mira today

The at-home mini lab

Technology designed for every journey

The Mira Analyzer uses immunochromatography with fluorescence labeling—the same technology labs use. The biggest difference? Our results are 100% personalized for your journey.

Regain control and use Mira for fertility treatments, doctor’s appointments, future family planning, perimenopause symptoms, and get more support if you have PCOS or hormone imbalances.

Read what the media says about

Mira in the future

Together, we're making leaps

There’s a lot more to come

We have big plans. Mira’s testing capabilities will continue to expand and include more than sex hormones. Soon, users will be able to track their general health, such as stress cortisol, testosterone, ketones, and more, with the Mira Analyzer.

Closing the research gap

It seems like there’s “a lot we don’t know” when it comes to reproductive health for women and people with ovaries. We’re here to change that. We are using Mira for research and teaming up with renowned fertility experts, OBGYNs, and scientists to source data that matters—yours

360-degree at-home health services

We believe everyone should be able to access their health data from home. Health care professionals who use Mira can also improve fertility treatment progress (IVF) by reducing costs, minimizing blood draws, and improving outcomes by remotely tracking patients’ data. In turn, this ensures less stress and more success

See how we plan on expanding:

  • Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) monitoring
  • Early pregnancy tracking
  • Hormone health courses & community
  • Premium supplements & treatments
  • Stress hormones monitoring
  • Endocrine system monitoring
  • Telemedicine services


Meet the team

Today, Mira comprises scientists, engineers, OBGYNs, fertility experts, medical advisers, and others around the globe, all passionate about promoting fertility and hormone health for everyone.


Sylvia Kang



Zheng Yang



Katherine Sakovich

Chief Marketing Officer


Ilya Kuznetsov

Head of Business Development


Marina Markhel

Partnership Manager


Sara Marska-Maj

Senior App Product Manager


Anna Evstratova

Head of Brand and Communication

Dive into our company’s values

What we stand for

Science elevates human experiences

Science may seem like a faraway concept, but it exists in many aspects of our lives. And so, not long ago, we decided to use the power of science to positively impact the health and lifestyle of our friends and customers.

Diversity and inclusion

We believe this to be a fundamental value that empowers every human experience. In our communication, we acknowledge gender, race, accessibility, ethnicity, education, country of origin, socioeconomic status, and other aspects of people’s backgrounds

Innovation is the main driver

Mira was founded on the belief that everyone deserves to reach their health goals faster by using science and tech as their support. This is why we continue expanding our horizons and challenging ourselves within the reproductive tech industry

The passion for learning

There are always new and exciting discoveries in science—and that’s the beauty of it. At Mira, we’re open to trying new things and unafraid of failure, and we’re not scared to step over the edge to gain a broader perspective.

Hormone & health clarity is closer than ever before

At Mira, we are dedicated to improving people’s lives by designing products that empower people to become involved in their health and future.

Please contact us at if you have any questions.